

"The ordinary made EXTRAORDINARY!"

After practicing my kick!

Not really, but I do mill all my own wood. I have found this the best way to minimize waste, respect the generations of growth, and maximize the enhancement of the nature coloring and grain structure.

Save the Trees!

Conservation is my priority. My passion for woodworking and respect for our natural resources are combined is each product. Much of wood used is received in helping neighbors that do not have the means to hire an arborist after storm damage.

My Inspiration

Over 30 years of service to our country had led my travels to more numerous exotic destinations than I can recall (at least without an adult beverage and room of grown salty dogs). My greatest inspiration is the great forests of the USA. There is no place I would rather be than on a mountain trail listening to the wind and the birds in the trees (except for being in the arms of my wife). Yet having experienced so many cultures and arts there are two that touched me deeply and inspire my thought and works.

First, Japan... and the most courtesy and honorable people I have ever encountered... Kintsugi, the art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold is built on the idea that in embracing flaws and imperfections, you can create an even stronger, more beautiful piece of art. Kintsugi is not just an art but an incredible metaphor for our lives, and the treatment of others.

Second, Greece...the history and depth of culture extraordinary, and OMG the food... Hamartia, also called tragic flaw, inherent defect or shortcoming in the hero of a tragedy, and like their numerous unknown stories lost during the Dark Ages so were the Greacen forests which forever changed the landscape.

In our age of artificial, composite, and electrical everything, trees are our forgotten and overlooked heroes. The great forests of our country were the initial reason for our nation's established success, the forests provided everything our ancestors needed. I am not an advocate for abandoning our modern technology, much of which enables us for relying on wood as fuel and the sole construction material, but I often find it troublesome how apathetic many have become with unnecessary removal and lack of care for many of the great American hardwoods.

The goal of each of my pieces is to give another life to something that was living long before we were and do so in a way that shows the natural life and tragedy of the tree. After harvesting and preparing the wood I carefully study each piece for its potential, and whenever possible preserve the perfect flaws created by nature which makes each piece unique (something not achievable with store-bought lumber). This approach does not allow for mass production or repeated product. Each larger item is truly one-of-a-kind, so treat yourself or gift if it to someone who is equally as special, and in doing so you become part of the tree's Heritage.

In the interest of preventing waste, I do use even smaller pieces of wood to their fullest extent as well and produce small items which are similar in design.


My Workshop

Raw Stock

The Heritage Woodturning Crew


Woodwright, Artist, Designer, Worker, Tool Purchaser, and Shop Cleaner


Quality Assurance, Customer Service, & Shipping


Model, Proceeds Collector, & Jokester

"Most Loved"


Co-Proceeds Collector, & Sandwich Maker

"Some Guy"

Some boy that had to grow up and now I have to mow the yard and clean the workshop myself.

"The Not So Good Guard Dog"

Part Owner (just ask her), does nothing of value all day.